Money Money Money


In these days of trying to get back to "normal" after all that has gone on in the past 4 years, Money is a subject that gets brought up a lot. Many people I have had these conversations with are puzzled when it comes to talk about Bit Coin, or investing in gold and silver. There seems to be a lot of conjecture as to whether the banks of the world will change the monetary system, and what will happen to our dollar when it comes to it's valuation.

We are told that the banks are safe because of the FDIC "insurance" they claim will save us, up to $250,000.00 if they go bankrupt, yet we wonder....If they are bankrupt, how can this be? Many folks on the internet these days are asking for our trust as they try to convince us to buy into whatever the new programs are, and yet it is hard to find any valid information on said programs.

Well, here I am, wondering all these things, so I decided to go to the source in our community... Security State Bank in Wanamingo. We are lucky to live in a small town where the people who work in the bank know us by name. It is always a pleasure to stop by for banking business and a quick chat. It also goes to say, these employees are our friends and neighbors, so we feel a camaraderie and a sense of trust when we talk to them. Shelby Quimby is one of the people who works there, and has told me of several different options for my money, as far as what is safe, and how we can actually garner a bit of interest through several programs the bank has begun to implement. The bank has also hired a new president, and I went to the bank to interview him and "introduce" him to you.

Scott Peterson moved to this area from Winona, where he had worked at CHS for 7 years as Operations Manager at the grain elevator. After graduating high school from St. Cloud, he attended U of M in Morris, Mn with a degree in Economics, with agriculture as his background. His family moved to Cannon Falls, and he began working as a loan officer for the SSB in Wanamingo a few years ago, and when the position of bank president came up, he decided to give it a try. I asked him what prompted the change in his career. He said he was feeling like he was more of a replacable "cog in the wheel" where he was working, and wanted to be in a position to help others in a more personal way. Since he had always had a penchant for "growing money", his mom used to tell him he should be in banking. Well, we all know mothers are always right, and he felt he would be happy in a small town where he knew the people he was working for, so here he is!

His background in Economics makes him highly qualified to dispense information that may help clear up some of the new ideas the bank is implementing, and misconceptions people may have when deciding what to do with their money to grow it, and feel that it is secure. I asked him to spell out the new programs the bank has recently implemented, and what the benefits are to each group of people. By "group" I mean, investors, savers, growing families, and seniors.

"We as a bank work for you, our customers", he said right away. "I want our bank patrons to feel valued, and know that our bank won't function without them. What you do with your money matters. We are here to help you set your financial goals and reach them. Whether you are in high school and wanting to save for college, newly married and growing a nest egg, or looking to retire with enough money to enjoy your life, we are here to guide you."

Scott and his crew are able to show you ways of not only saving money, but utilizing programs like Kasasa to make money on what you are already doing. They offer CD's that pay high interest, and loans for housing, or a shiny new tractor. The bank is FDIC insured, so that means you get a free insurance policy on the money you keep in the bank, up to $250,000.00....guaranteed by our government. They can tell you the benefits of a Kasasa savings or checking account, and how you can access your money any time. They will explain Certificates of Deposit, and how they grow the money you already have. You do not need a large amount to get started, you just need to understand how these programs work, and come in and sit down with any of the financial specialists at the bank. In the short time I was interviewing Scott, I learned a lot. I could explain it all to you here, but I would rather encourage you to go in and talk to them about your specific questions and your goals.

So, if you are ready to re-evaluate your financial goals and get started making some extra cash without doing anything but letting your money work for you, I highly recommend going to the bank and heading down a structured path to help yourself, your children and your family be more "financially responsible" for your future! You are never too young or too old to start! And, of course, tell them Cheri sent you!