Welcome Exchange Students


Our school systems have used the Foreign Exchange Student program for many years now. Providing students who want an immersive experience in a country that is not their home place has worked all these years. Science has proven that an "immersion" experience brings a much clearer picture of what living in the country they choose has to offer. Sure, students can learn the language in a classroom situation, or hear about the nuances of the country they choose in books, and from others who have been there, but will that give them the flavor of the country itself? Probably not.

In 1961, Congress passed the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act, mandating an increase in governmental programs to enhance mutual understanding between people of the United States and other countries. This program has proven to be beneficial, and the students who participate report that they make lifelong friends and keep in touch with their host families and friends they make here, for years to come.

Thinking about learning from others reminds me of the story of the blind men who were given an experience with an elephant. The men were placed in different areas and asked to describe what an elephant looked like. One man was placed by the trunk. He described the elephant as a snake with wrinkly skin. The second man was given a place near the elephant's leg. He described the animal as a tree trunk with large toenails. The third man was placed next to the elephant's ear. Describing the animal, he said it was more like a sting ray, soft and floppy, and very thin. As you see, each man had a different description of the animal, and none were correct, because they couldn't see the real picture. That is the difference between immersion and book learning, I think!

The 2024-2025 school year is upon us, and the Kenyon/Wanamingo schools are pleased and privileged to have 3 students joining us this year. The students are all 10th graders. Daniel del Rio Duque is from Spain and is hosted by Allison and Anders Nygren. Ignacio Cancela is from Spain and is hosted by Chris and Alecia Budahn. And Rafal Dziedzic is from Poland and is hosted by Ashley and Jon Meyers. A big thank you goes out to the host families! Be sure to welcome each of these students and show them the meaning of "Minnesota Nice"!