Well, it's been about two and a half years since our liquor store in Wanamingo changed hands, and it looks like things are going well. I had the opportunity to pop in and check it out recently, and I was really impressed with the inventory they carry, which is extensive, and the look of the store. The whole time I was browsing, there were people coming in and out of the store at a steady rate. Jake Grant purchased the building from Barney Nesseth, and the liquor store came with it, according to Jake.
Jake has a trucking company right next to the liquor store that is 3 generations strong. His dad Norm started the business in 1996 to haul refrigerated and frozen products from one location to another. For instance, Jake will drive a truckload of frozen products like ice cream to Florida, and bring back a truck load of produce for local companies. In 1998, Jake joined his father in the business, and bought his own truck. Unfortunately, Norm was killed in a car accident in 2004. His son Emmett joined the company about 2 years ago, and was running the liquor store until Jake hired Amy McDonald to manage the store, and Emmett went to work with Jake.
Amy showed me some of the new inventory at the liquor store, and talked about future plans for the store. One is to have a market of some kind in the parking lot when the weather gets nice. Maybe a Farmer's Market, or a place to sell homemade crafts and goodies. She is open to suggestions as to what would be the best fit for Wanamingo. Give her a call for more information or with ideas you may have. Jake also has something brewing, but you will have to wait until this spring to hear that news!
Another service they offer is custom orders for inventory they don't normally carry. If you have a favorite liqueur or special bottle of wine you'd like to have for special occasions, let her know, and she will do her best to find it for you. Since Valentine's Day is coming soon, now would be the time to order the bottle you poured when you proposed to your sweetheart, or the champagne you popped when you bought your first home together. Just sayin'...... always good to be prepared!
Another product they began carrying in December is the medicinal CBD and THC drinks that are becoming so popular for pain relief and for help sleeping. They have been carrying the medicinal "gummies" for awhile now, and Amy said people are getting great results without the side effects of sleeping pills and pain medication. I asked a lot of questions, and am happy to say that Amy knows her products quite well. They also have Jesse Hill, a representative from Midwest Extraction Services, coming in to give samples of the new drinks by Hiza periodically. The company is located in Waseca. Jesse was able to tell me about the process used to extract the medicinal properties from the plants. The plants are grown near the facility they are manufactured in, and are proud to say they are made in the U.S.A.
A couple of other things they have on site are a refrigerated 6 by 10 foot trailer you can rent to keep your kegs and cases of beer cold when you are having an event. They have recently acquired a food truck to sell cheese curds and other yummy foods at events. And as a public service, they have a drop off box for your gently used clothing to be redistributed to those in need. And did I mention, there is more to come?
Jake wants to thank the community for all the support he has received in his new venture, and tell you that he has the best crew around working for him. Also, he hinted at some very special plans for the 4th of July in Wanamingo, but that's not the surprise I've been hinting at, either!
So, if you have any special products you would like to see in the store, or have questions about the lines they currently carry, come on down and talk to the crew! They are here to serve all your needs, and offer suggestions as to what you may like to try at your next get together..........like the Super Bowl!!! Go Vikings!