Kenyon City Council Meeting - June 11, 2024


Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a City Council Meeting was duly held in the City Council chambers at 7:00 p.m. on the 11th day of June 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Henke.

The following members were present: Mayor Doug Henke, Council Members Kim Helgeson, Mary Bailey, Molly Ryan, and Lee Sjolander

Also present: Interim Administrator Frank Boyles, Administrative Assistant Holli Gudknecht, Police Chief Jeff Sjoblom, Engineer Derek Olinger, Public Works Director Wayne Ehrich, City Attorney Scott Riggs, Officer Brian Homeier, Todd Greseth, Jay Kindseth, Nate Rud

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Goodhue County Commissioner, Todd Greseth, gave an update on what is happening in the County and what is coming up. He thanked the Kenyon Fire Department and City for storing the Goodhue County mobile command center vehicle.

Jay Kindseth, 702 Bullis Street, expressed his concerns about the new home construction at Countryside Meadows subdivision. SEMMCHRA had signed a “Declaration of Restrictive Covenants for Countryside Meadows Addition” in 2004 that stated it was to be in effect for 30 years. Kindseth stated that the covenants were not being followed.

Attorney Riggs replied that the city was not involved in the original or revised covenants. The original covenants were revised in March 2024 with several of the covenants being deleted. The remaining open lots were sold to Bigelow & Lennon Construction in April 2024. As long as the builder is following the current covenants, there should not be an issue.

Nate Rud from Bigelow & Lennon Construction stated that the covenants were changed before they bought the lots in April. He thought everything was fine. He didn’t mean to cause any trouble.

Jay Kindseth questioned the enforcement of the animal control ordinance that states it is unlawful for a residential unit or site to keep more than three animals over six months of age without securing a permit from the city. He knows of a residence with at least nine dogs.

Attorney Riggs replied that the council may direct city staff to look at the ordinance and propose possible changes to be enforced.


Motion by Ryan seconded by Bailey to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0-0.


Motion by Bailey seconded by Ryan to approve the Consent Agenda, which includes payment of check numbers 76082 through 76167; 4969E through 4993E. Motion carried 5-0-0.


Toward Zero Deaths Update – Jessica Seide

Jessica Seide, SE MN TZD Coordinator and Officer Homeier presented a summary of the Toward Zero Deaths Program activities. The goal of the TZD program is to reduce injuries and deaths due to speeding, impaired and drunk driving and other preventable causes on Minnesota Roads.


Pearl Creek & Gates Avenue Utility Improvements

Engineer Olinger stated that work is continuing on the lift station.

Pay Application #5 to BCM Construction

Motion by Helgeson second by Bailey to approve pay request No. 5 to BCM Construction in the amount of $104,318.56 for work completed through May 31, 2024. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Sanitary Sewer Flows

Engineer Olinger stated that continued support to monitor and make improvements to the City’s sewer system is needed. With the recent heavy rains, the sanitary sewer flows at the wastewater treatment plant have spiked well above the facility’s capacity. Public works has been working to resolve some of the known problematic issues.


Rezoning Request – Paul & Lisa Peterson

Attorney Riggs and Engineer Olinger reviewed the request from Paul and Lisa Peterson to rezone two parcels (PID# 66.180.0130 and #66.180.0150) they own from I-1 (General Industrial) to C-2 (General Commercial) and from R-1 (Residential) to C-2 (General Commercial). The Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 4, 2024, and recommended the rezoning change. There were no public comments.

Ordinance 104: Rezoning Two Parcels of Land Owned by Paul and Lisa Peterson from I-1 (General Industrial) to C-2 (General Commercial) and from R-1 (Residential) to C-2 (General Commercial

Motion by Ryan seconded by Bailey to adopt Ordinance 104. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Resolution 2024-16 Approving Summary Publication of an Ordinance 104 by Title and Summary

Motion by Ryan seconded by Helgeson to adopt Resolution 2024-16. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Lot Combination: Paul & Lisa Peterson

Attorney Riggs stated that Paul & Lisa Peterson requested approval to combine two lots located at 98 Gunderson Boulevard.

Resolution 2024-15: Approving Lot Combination (Peterson)

Motion by Helgeson second by Sjolander to adopt Resolution 2024-15 approving the lot combination for Paul & Lisa Peterson. Motion carried 5-0-0.



Security State Bank of Kenyon Public Funds CD

Finance Director, Whitney Kyllo included an update in the council packet showing she moved the City CD from an interest rate of .4% to a 4.87% interest rate for 24 months. The CD was only gaining about $105 of interest quarterly, with this new interest rate, we should expect over $1,000 quarterly in interest earnings.


City Council Prioritization of Upcoming Action

Interim Administrator Boyles reviewed a list of 11 tasks to be completed that were identified as priorities by staff and city council. The council was asked to prioritize the tasks and identify three to five priorities to be accomplished by Boyles.

Motion by Sjolander seconded by Helgeson to prioritize the following four items to be completed first.

1. Receive two proposals and select one to solicit and recruit a new full-time city administrator.

2. Conduct the selection process and execute an employment agreement with the new administrator.

3. Review in detail the pay study to determine what portions are usable, and which need modification.

4. Implement the modified pay plan, over time.

Motion carried 5-0-0.

Modification of City Staff Reports

Interim Administrator Boyles introduced a “Request for Council Action” form to be used by staff to request city council meeting actions. This form would make all public reports consistent looking so the public, committee members, and commissioners know exactly where to find information.

Motion by Ryan seconded by Helgeson to implement the “Request for Council Action” form for council agenda items. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Receive Fulltime City Administrator Solicitation and Recruitment Proposal

Interim Administrator Boyles stated two quotes were obtained for the solicitation and recruitment of a new city administrator. He would like the council to hear their proposal presentations. A special council meeting will be held after checking with the two firms on a possible date.

Date Change of August Council Meeting

Interim Administrator Boyles stated the August council meeting is scheduled for August 13, which is the date of the Primary Election. He will work on setting up an alternative meeting date in August.

Approve Request for Liquor at Depot Park – Colin Lambert, July 13, 2024

Motion by Helgeson, seconded by Henke to approve the liquor request for Colin Lambert in Depot Park on July 13, 2024. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Facility Use Form – KW Wrestling Booster Club

Interim Administrator Boyles stated that the KW Wrestling Booster Club filled out a facility request to meet at the Fire Hall once a month during the school year. Several council members expressed concerns over opening up city buildings for public use. Attorney Riggs stated that the city would need to get additional liability insurance if the public was allowed to use city buildings. Also, if one group was allowed to use the buildings, it would need to be opened up to all groups. The request was denied.

Holiday Office Closing - City Office/Library Close July 5

Interim Administrator Boyles requested approval for City Offices and the Library to be closed on Friday, July 5, 2024.

Motion by Bailey seconded by Ryan to close the City Office and Library on Friday, July 5, 2024.

Motion carried 5-0-0.

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings

KMU Meeting: Tuesday, June 18th @ 4:00 p.m.

City Council Meeting: Tuesday, July 9th @ 7 pm


Council Member Helgeson thanked all the city staff. She appreciates everything they all do.

Council Member Sjolander thanked city staff for all they do, especially public works, police, and pool staff.

Council Members Bailey and Ryan and Mayor Henke agreed to thanking the city staff for all they do.

Motion by Ryan seconded by Helgeson to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 pm. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Holli Gudknecht, Administrative Assistant

Douglas Henke, Mayor