Kenyon City Council Meeting - May 14, 2024


Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a City Council Meeting was duly held in the City Council chambers at 7:00 p.m. on the 14th day of May 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Henke.

The following members were present: Mayor Doug Henke, Council Members Kim Helgeson, Mary Bailey, Molly Ryan, and Lee Sjolander

Also present: Administrative Assistant Holli Gudknecht, Finance Director Whitney Kyllo, Police Chief Jeff Sjoblom, Engineer Derek Olinger, Public Works Director Wayne Ehrich, City Attorney Scott Riggs, Armani Tucker, Brian Homeier, Earl Mechlewitz, and Chad Steffen

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.



Addition: / VIII / Legal / A / Kenyon Fire Relief Donations to City

Motion by Helgeson seconded by Bailey to approve the amended agenda. Motion carried 5-0-0.


Motion by Henke seconded by Ryan to approve the Consent Agenda, which includes payment of check numbers 75972 through 76081; 4922E through 4968E.

Motion carried 5-0-0.


2024 Kenyon Police Department Scholarship – Jeff Sjoblom

Police Chief Jeff Sjoblom stated that each year the police department offers a scholarship for Law Enforcement students. Chief Sjoblom presented this year’s scholarship to Armani Tucker. Armani Tucker introduced himself and told the council about his education in law enforcement.


Pearl Creek & Gates Avenue Utility Improvements

Engineer Olinger stated that work resumed on the lift station project this past month. The lift station structure is now plumbed, and grading work continues for the driveway and pad.

Pay Application #4 to BCM Construction

Motion by Sjolander second by Helgeson to approve pay request No. 4 to BCM Construction in the amount of $125,374.39 for work completed through May 3, 2024. Motion carried 5-0-0.

2025 Street & Utility Project Scope

Engineer Olinger reviewed the 2025 infrastructure project. City staff and the city’s financial advisor have reviewed the preliminary list of projects. Projects include reconstruction of Langford Avenue and 8th Street. Fifth Street behind the school will be an alternate project.

CSAH 12 Partnership Agreement

City Engineer Olinger stated that the partnership agreement defining the responsibilities for the county and city and the process for proceeding with the design of the project was being worked on, but no agreement has been reached yet. This project is not a county priority at this time. No further action on this item.

2025 Project: Preliminary Design Proposal

Resolution 2024-12: Ordering Preparation of Report on Improvement 2025 Street and Utility Improvements

Engineer Olinger explained that the 2025 street and utility project will include special assessments to properties abutting the proposed improvements. The first step in this process is authorizing the preparation of a feasibility report to define the need for improvements, scope of work, cost and funding, and to prepare estimates of assessments.

Motion by Ryan seconded by Bailey to adopt Resolution 2024-12. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Olinger presented Bolton & Menk’s scope of work to complete the feasibility report, organize multiple internal and public meetings, survey the project, and data collection through contract soil borings and sanitary sewer televising.

Motion by Ryan seconded by Helgeson to approve the preliminary engineering proposal for the 2025 street & utility improvements in the amount of $81,600. Motion carried 5-0-0.


Kenyon Fire Relief Donations to City

Resolution 2024-14 Accepting Kenyon Fire Relief Association Donations to the City of Kenyon

Motion by Helgeson seconded by Ryan to adopt Resolution 2024-14 accepting donations of $23,718.99 from the Kenyon Fire Relief Association to the City to be used for specified items. Motion carried 5-0-0.


Sound System

Finance Director, Whitney Kyllo updated the council on the sound system repairs in the council chambers.


City Hall Camera Update Quote

Finance Director Kyllo reviewed a quote from WH Security to replace three cameras and the panic buttons that weren’t working. Council member Sjolander would like a panic button added to the library.

Motion by Sjolander seconded by Ryan to accept the quotes from WH Security to install three new cameras and panic buttons including one in the library. Motion carried 5-0-0.

City Hall Door Repair Quote

Public Works Director Ehrich stated he received a quote from Johnson Hardware out of Dodge Center to repair some issues with the City Hall doors. The front door needs new weather stripping, a new hydraulic closer, and new supports. The hydraulic closer is leaking oil and the support on the arm assembly is bent. The back door needs a new aluminum door sweep due to a gap under the door.

Motion by Helgeson seconded by Bailey to approve the quote from Johnson Hardware to repair the City Hall doors. Motion carried 5-0-0.

CD Signers at Security State Bank of Kenyon

Motion by Helgeson seconded by Ryan to remove Mark Vahlsing and Mike Engel as signers and add Douglas Henke and Holli Gudknecht as signer on the CD at the Security state Bank of Kenyon. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Update Administrative Policy #5 – Snow and Ice Control

Public Works Director Ehrich stated mailboxes that are not compliant with USPS mailbox regulations are causing problems for snowplowing and street sweeping. Public works would like noncompliant residents to be notified by letter to bring their mailboxes into compliance. Administrative Policy #5 needed to be updated with more specific information before the letter could be issued.

Motion by Ryan seconded by Henke to adopt revised Administrative Policy #5 -Snow and Ice Control.

Motion carried 5-0-0.

Resolution 2024-13: Establishing License Fees and Compensation

Resolution 2024-01 Establishing Fees for 2024 was adopted on January 10, 2024. The fees for On-sale Sunday Liquor and Bad Check Charge were increased in January. Per State Statute, the fee for Sunday on-sale liquor may not exceed $200 and the fee for a bad check may not exceed $30. Also, the wording for the Fire Dept./First Responder Repeated Non-Fire or Non-Medical Calls needs to be revised to match the city code.

Motion by Bailey seconded by Helgeson to adopt Resolution 2024-13 leaving the bad check charge at $45.00 but revising the wording to say, “Bad check charge and penalty”. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Fire Department – Wayne Ehrich, Fire Chief

Goodhue County MOU Agreement

Fire Chief Ehrich stated that Earl Merchlewitz, Goodhue County Emergency Management Director, had requested that their mobile command center vehicle be stored at the Kenyon Fire Hall. The city currently has bay space and office space available for their use. This is at no cost to the city or fire department.

Motion by Ryan seconded by Henke to approve the Goodhue County MOU Agreement. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Tanker Truck Purchase

Fire Chief Ehrich stated that a quote for a 2025-26 tanker truck was received from Midwest Fire. The Fire Relief Association donated $10,000 to the fire department to cover the initial down payment to reserve the build date. This payment is required to start the purchase process. The chassis payment would be due upon arrival in the spring of 2025. This money is available in the truck fund.

Motion by Bailey seconded by Henke to approve the purchase of the tanker truck.

Motion carried 5-0-0.

Pay Off First Responders Loan of $61,712

Fire Chief Ehrich stated that money is currently available in the truck fund to pay off the First Responders vehicle loan. By paying this loan off, there would be an interest savings of $6,631.48.

motion by Helgeson seconded by Bailey to pay off the First Responder vehicle loan of $61,712.

Purchase Built-in Desks for Fire Hall Office

Fire Chief Ehrich stated that the Fire Department would like to purchase built-in desks for their office. The Fire Relief Association would pay for this project. The cost would be approximately $13,000.

Motion by Bailey seconded by Ryan to approve the purchase of built-in cabinets for the Fire Hall office. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Rent Inflatables for Firemen’s Open House

Fire Chief Ehrich stated that the Fire Department would like to rent inflatables for their open house in June. The Fire Relief Association would pay for this project.

Motion by Ryan seconded by Bailey to approve the rental of inflatables for the Firemen’s Open House on June 22, 2024. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Public Works Shop Roof Repair Quote

Public Works Director Ehrich informed the council that the roof of the Public Works Shop at 109 Gates Avenue has five leaks in the roof and water is running into the light fixtures. A repair quote was received from Heyn Brothers for $7,650.00.

Motion by Ryan seconded by Helgeson to approve the quote from Heyn Brothers for $7,650.00 to repair the public works shop roof. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Sewer Plant Valve Replacement

Public Works Director Ehrich stated a sewer pump valve repair is needed at the sewer plant to fix the recirculation pump. A quote for three new 6” plug valves, pump removal, new hardware and gaskets, and labor was received.

Motion by Bailey seconded by Ryan to approve the quote to replace the sewer plant valves. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Pool Repairs

Broken Drainpipe in Main Pool

Public Works Director Ehrich stated that he discovered a broken pipe in the main drain of the main pool. H&M Underground Solutions repaired the pipe on May 8, due to time constraints of opening the pool on time. The repair funds of $3,753.50 will come out of the capital fund.

Motion by Ryan seconded by Bailey to approve $3,753.50 in repair costs to the pool drain. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Electrical Panel Repair

Public Works Director Ehrich reported that there was a short in the electrical panel at the pool.

Sparks flew when the lights were turned on. R&K Electric repaired the panel on May 7.


Public Works Director Ehrich updated the council on the vandalism at the pool on April 28. The damage included a broken window, dents in the outside door, holes in the privacy fence, and dented picnic tables. A claim was filed with our insurance company. Six juveniles were identified by the Kenyon Police Department in this incident.

On-Sale Liquor License Renewal- VFW

Motion by Ryan seconded by Bailey to renew the VFW’s liquor license. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Approve Request for Liquor at Depot Park – Amanda Hollund and James Wagner, June 22, 2024

Motion by Helgeson, seconded by Henke to approve the liquor request for Amanda Hollund and James Wagner in Depot Park on June 22, 2024. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Request by Police Department to Apply Golf Cart Fee to Scholarships

Police Chief Jeff Sjoblom presented a proposal for golf cart license fees to go toward community scholarships.

Motion by Ryan seconded by Helgeson to approve the golf cart license fees to go toward community scholarships. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Approve Memorial Day Parade for May 27, 2024

Mayor Henke stated that the annual Memorial Day parade is going to go down 2nd Street ending with a ceremony at the cemetery.

Motion by Ryan, seconded by Bailey to approve the Memorial Day Parade permit for May 27, 2024.

Motion carried 5-0-0.

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings

KMU Meeting: Tuesday, May 21st @ 4:00 p.m.

City Council Meeting: Tuesday, June 11th @ 7 pm


Council Member Helgeson thanked all the city workers on staff. She appreciates everything they do.

Motion by Ryan seconded by Bailey to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 pm. Motion carried 5-0-0.

Holli Gudknecht, Administrative Assistant

Douglas Henke, Mayor