Kenyon City Council Meeting - August 20, 2024


Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a City Council Meeting was duly held in the City Council chambers at 7:00 p.m. on the 20th day of August 2024. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Henke.

The following members were present: Mayor Doug Henke, Council Members Kim Helgeson, Lee Sjolander, and Mary Bailey

Absent: Molly Ryan

Also present: Interim Administrator Frank Boyles, Administrative Assistant Holli Gudknecht, Engineer Derek Olinger, Public Works Director Wayne Ehrich, City Attorney Joe Sathe, Officer Brian Homeier, Police Chief Jeff Sjoblom

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.



Motion by Bailey seconded by Helgeson to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0-0.


Motion by Helgeson seconded by Bailey to approve the Consent Agenda, which includes payment of check numbers 76246 through 76288; 5048E through 5144E. Motion carried 4-0-0.



2025 Street and Utility Improvements

Engineer Olinger stated the preliminary design and survey work for the 2025 street and utility project has started. Sewers have been televised and soil borings are complete. The preliminary report should be ready for review at the September council meeting.

Pearl Creek & Gates Avenue Utility Improvements

Engineer Olinger stated that the lift-station is operational. There are just a few minor control issues to be resolved.

Pay Application #7 to BCM Construction

Motion by Helgeson second by Bailey to approve pay request No. 7 to BCM Construction in the amount of $335,092.09 for work completed through August 9, 2024. Motion carried 4-0-0.




Revised Policy #7 – Employee Evaluation

Interim Administrator Boyles stated that administrative policy #7 was revised to add that yearly reviews are to be done in October, which will help ensure that job descriptions are kept up to date so that our compensation and classification plan remains accurate.

Motion Bailey seconded by Sjolander to approve revised administrative policy #7 contingent on review by the city attorney. Motion passed 4-0-0.

Approve Administrative Policy #34 – Purchasing

Interim Administrator Boyles stated that administrative policy #34 reviews ethics with vendors, purchasing process, purchasing alternatives, cooperative purchasing organizations, and a variety of other purchasing topics. This policy will help make purchasing decisions as regulated by Minnesota Statutes Section 471.345.

Motion Helgeson seconded by Henke to approve administrative policy #34, contingent on review by the city attorney. Motion passed 4-0-0.

Approve Administrative Policy #35 – Fixed Asset Record System

Interim Administrator Boyles stated that administrative policy #35 establishes a standard system of control for all city fixed assets in compliance with CASB 34 requirements.

Motion Bailey seconded by Helgeson to approve administrative policy #35, contingent on review by the city attorney. Motion passed 4-0-0.

Approve Classification and Compensation Plan for Kenyon

Interim City Administrator Boyles reviewed the proposed employee compensation plan. The council questioned why the police were not shown on the presented plan. It was determined that the police had their own salary schedule. This item was tabled until the police schedule could be reviewed.

TIF 4-4 Fund Transfer

Interim City Administrator Boyles stated that when the 2004 Sunset Home TIF 4-4 was decertified in 2022, there was a remaining fund balance of $17,611.98. These funds will be returned to Goodhue County to be redistributed.

Resolution 2024-19: Committing Capital Fund Balances

Interim City Administrator Boyles stated that the auditors had recommended the closing of four funds with remaining balances, which are no longer active. This item was tabled to verify what the COVID CARES Act Funds could be used for.

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings

EDA Meeting: Tuesday, August 27 @ 8:00 a.m.

City Council Meeting: Tuesday, September 10 @ 7 p.m.


Council Member Helgeson thanked everyone who worked at Rose Fest and everyone who came out.

Council Member Sjolander thanked city staff for their work at Rose Fest and the vendors who came to the event.

Council Member Bailey thanked everyone for their work on Rose Fest.

Mayor Henke stated that Rose Fest went very well. He thanked Kim and her family for their work and Wayne and public works.

Interim City Administrator Boyles stated that the administrator search has been posted and is on our website. The consultant will be providing updated reports weekly.

Motion by Bailey seconded by Helgeson to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 pm. Motion carried 4-0-0.

Holli Gudknecht, Administrative Assistant

Douglas Henke, Mayor