Kenyon City Council Meeting - September 10, 2024


Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a City Council Meeting was duly held in the City Council chambers at 7:00 p.m. on the 10th day of September 2024. The meeting was called to order by Acting Mayor Bailey.

The following members were present: Acting Mayor Mary Bailey, Council Member Lee Sjolander

Via Teams: Molly Ryan

Absent: Doug Henke, Kim Helgeson

Also present: Interim Administrator Frank Boyles, Administrative Assistant Holli Gudknecht, Finance Director Whitney Kyllo, Engineer Derek Olinger, Public Works Director Wayne Ehrich, City Attorney Scott Riggs, Officer Brian Homeier, Officer Dan England, Police Chief Jeff Sjoblom, Don Kirchmann, Kevin Anderson, Harris Haugen, Rick Vance, Clinton Christensen, Isaac Ramsey, West Concord Police Chief Shannon Boerne

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.



Motion by Lee seconded by Bailey to approve the agenda.

Roll Call Vote: Bailey- Aye, Sjolander – Aye, Ryan – Aye Motion carried 3-0-0.


Motion by Ryan seconded by Bailey to approve the Consent Agenda, which includes payment of check numbers 76289 through 76462; 5101E through 5127E.

Roll Call Vote: Bailey- Aye, Sjolander – Aye, Ryan – Aye Motion carried 3-0-0.


Masonic Lodge of Cannon Falls presentation to Kenyon Fire Department, West Concord Fire Department, and Kenyon Police Department

Rick Vance, District Representative of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Minnesota, Clinton Christensen of the Grand Lodge, and Harris Haugen of the Cannon Falls Masonic Lodge explained that the Masonic Lodge’s goal is to put a fire suppression tool in every police car in the state. The Masonics are sponsoring a program, which receives a break from the manufacturer, so the cost was $300 instead of the normal $1,500 for each device. The Kenyon Relief Association funded the purchases of six fire suppression tools that were presented to the Kenyon Fire Department (2), West Concord Police Department (1), and Kenyon Police Department (3). This tool allows the first person on the scene of a fire to deploy the tool which suppresses the flames and lowers the temperature without water damage or removing the oxygen.


Pearl Creek & Gates Avenue Utility Improvements

Engineer Olinger stated that work this past month included final paving, full disconnection from the old Pearl Creek sewer main, fine grading and seeding. The contractor still needs to finish final testing of the pipelines but is waiting for parts to arrive.

Pay Application #8 to BCM Construction

Motion by Bailey second by Sjolander to approve pay request No. 8 to BCM Construction in the amount of $66,188.50 for work completed through August 30, 2024.

Roll Call Vote: Bailey- Aye, Sjolander – Aye, Ryan – Aye Motion carried 3-0-0.

2025 Street and Utility Improvements

Review Feasibility Report

Engineer Olinger summarized the feasibility report for the 2025 Street and Utility Report including the project need, existing conditions, proposed improvements, project costs, funding, and overall feasibility of the project. The consensus of the council was to follow past practices by assessing 30% of the project costs to the property owners.

Resolution 2024-20: Receiving Feasibility Report and Calling on Improvement

Motion by Sjolander seconded by Ryan to adopt Resolution 2024-20 with the addition of the sidewalk on 5th Street.

Roll Call Vote: Bailey- Aye, Sjolander – Aye, Ryan – Aye Motion carried 5-0-0.


Temporary Waiver of City Code for Downtown Kenyon Fall Festival

Interim City Administrator Boyles stated that a Fall Festival is planned for Saturday, October 12 in the business area of Kenyon. No action is needed. This item was approved in the consent agenda.



Resolution 2024-21: Adopting the 2025 Preliminary Budget & Levy

Finance Director Kyllo stated that the proposed budget and levy was reviewed at the Council work session on August 29. The levy was set at a maximum of 9.55%. The preliminary maximum levy certification resolution must be submitted to Goodhue County by the end of September. The final levy must be adopted by the end of December. The levy can be lowered between now and the end of the year, but it cannot be increased.

Motion by Ryan second by Bailey to adopt Resolution 2024-21 adopting the 2025 preliminary budget and levy, which is a maximum of 9.55%.

Roll Call Vote: Bailey- Aye, Sjolander – Aye, Ryan – Aye Motion carried 3-0-0.

Motion by Bailey second by Ryan to set the Truth in Taxation meeting for December 3 at 6:30 p.m.

Roll Call Vote: Bailey- Aye, Sjolander – Aye, Ryan – Aye Motion carried 3-0-0.

Resolution 2024-22: Approving a Cooperative Snow Removal Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation

Interim City Administrator Boyles stated that the city is required to approve a cooperative agreement every five years with MNDOT concerning snow removal. The agreement sets annual compensation and reimbursements to the city that will not exceed $19,742.47 total in the five-year agreement for snow removal assistance in the downtown area.

Motion by Bailey second by Sjolander to adopt Resolution 2024-22 approving a cooperative snow removal agreement with the MN Dept of Transportation.

Roll Call Vote: Bailey- Aye, Sjolander – Aye, Ryan – Aye Motion carried 3-0-0.

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings

KMU Meeting: Tuesday, September 17 @ 4 p.m.

EDA Meeting: Friday, September 27 @ 8 a.m.

Planning Commission Meeting: Tuesday, October 1 @ 6:00 p.m.

City Council Meeting: Tuesday, October 8 @ 7 p.m.


Council Member Sjolander thanked the First Responders for responding to his relative’s gas leak. He thanked Wayne, Jeff, and Randy for all they do.

Motion by Bailey seconded by Ryan to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 pm.

Roll Call Vote: Bailey- Aye, Sjolander – Aye, Ryan – Aye Motion carried 3-0-0.

Holli Gudknecht, Administrative Assistant

Mary Bailey, Acting Mayor